Theme: Home

Photo Contest

Contest Theme: Home
Prize: Three rolls of film processed and scanned for free
Winner: @auranism

From the Artist: "Last summer my beautiful mother was married in a small town in PA. While there for the weekend we stayed at a house that quickly proved itself to be a home. The energies of those who lived before us blended with the harmonious events of the weekend; finding us coexisting with the previous families who called this place Home. On the final day I walked the grounds, camera in hand praising the silence, symmetry, and sublime nature of the land. I often think of this home and my gratitude for its open arms, as well as my 35mm lense(s) for constantly serving as an extension to my memory and vision."

What We Liked: We were struck by the simple but eerie nature of this photo, which is heightened by the contrasty use of black and white. The lawn is completely bare save the striking white fountain or lawn ornament, planted squarely in the middle of the frame. Immediately grabbing your attention it seems out of place—why is it there? blocking the entrance?—and almost ghostly in its glow. The sky above builds this effect with the motion in the clouds and darkness above. Past the fountain lies a perfectly normal and pain suburban home.

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