About Us

For over two decades we’ve helped thousands of Philadelphians with all their photo needs. We started in 1997 selling used film cameras to students and quickly added quality film processing, printing, and passport services that have been our focus ever since.
We’re right here, in the neighborhood, which makes things fast and easy for all our customers throughout the Philadelphia area. It’s so easy, just order anything right from your cell phone, or right from your couch. Drop off your order at the store, or lean on us to pick everything up when it’s all ready. Stop by to enjoy the latest showing at our gallery or attend one of our fun photography classes.
Use the form below to give us feedback, ask for a quote, or anything else. We try to reply in just a few hours.
Contact form
Monday-Sunday noon-5pm
We are available to answer your questions at info@myphotolounge.com.
130 South 17th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
P: 267 322 6651