Theme: Landscapes

Photo Contest
Contest Theme: Landscapes
Prize: Two rolls of film processed and scanned high for free along with one 8x10 fine art print!
Winner: @ginoberm.jpg

What We Liked: A classic subject of photography, landscapes can range from man-made structures to the vast valleys of nature. Here, in the lush foreground we are presented with two hikers walking down a trail near an enormous rock structure with green plant life spilling over its sides. The background, in stark contrast, depicts snow filling the crevices of a mountain that is enshrouded in a pink fog. The hikers serve two important functions—they ground our perspective while also serving as a focal point amid the busy landscape. They guide our eyes from the bottom right of the photograph to the top left; following the rise of the hills and trees to the peaks of the earth. The sublime environment evokes both a sense of serenity and smallness within the individual.

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