Theme: Motion

Photo Contest

Black and white photograph of amusement park ride in motion

Contest Theme: Motion
Prize: One roll of film processed and three 5x7 prints made free
Winner: @sorelrjphoto

From the Artist: "I took this at Oaks Amusement Park in Portland, OR. While waiting to get on the ride, I thought that the moving cars would make an interesting image. Since the Olympus XA is an aperture-priority only camera, I had to stop down the aperture to about f16 or so with ISO 100 film in order to get the shutter speed to 1/15ish. I wasn’t sure if this shot would work, but I am really proud of it!"

What We Liked: Going to the fair is a common summer activity and this photo captures the experience in a unique way. Fairs are often thought of as being very colorful and bright but by photographing this scene in black and white the various patterns and shapes become more apparent. We also liked the contrast between the motion of the ride with the almost deserted and still fairgrounds.

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