Theme: Patterns/Repetition

Photo Contest

Photograph of someone at Longing for Eternity exhibit by Yayoi Kusama

Contest Theme: Patterns/Repetition
Prize: Three rolls of film developed with high resolution scans for free.

From the Artist: "This photo is an image of my friends Lennon (in the central porthole) and Vince (in the rear porthole) at the Longing for Eternity exhibit by Yayoi Kusama at The Broad in downtown Los Angeles. I took the image with my Nikon N55 on Porta 400. I snapped it on a whim, and wasn't even sure it was focused properly, but alas it is one of my favorites."

What We Liked: We like how disorienting but mesmerizing the perspective in this photograph is. The composition is smart, since it grabs you with a striking central portrait, but then offers more mystery with the other circles spread throughout. From a distance the portholes blend into the larger background pattern, but when you look closer they are filled with other faces and phones.

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