Theme: Motion

Photo Contest
Contest Theme: Motion
Prize: Two rolls of film processed & scanned high res for free and one 11x14 fine art print!
Winner: @joecurryapunta


What We Liked: Motion can be caught slowly or quickly. With a slow shutter, you prolong the exposure, and producing with a photo with blurry, impressionistic elements. With a fast shutter, you can capture the action sharply (and perhaps quicker than your eye even perceives it). This photo stood out due to the range of motion that was perfectly captured during one well-timed chaotic moment. Every limb is in action, and some are in reaction. With the referee captured in an open space between the ladder, his face and body language foreshadow the wrestlers’ fate to topple down (rather painfully) into the ring. We liken it to the modern-day renaissance painting…

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