Theme: Blue

Photo Contest

Contest Theme: Blue
Prize: Three rolls of film processed and scanned for free!
Winner: @johnmichaeliam

From the Artist: "So this photo was inspired by those memories at the pool that your parents would take you and you have sandwiches and just that moment of pure bliss. I’ve always been really fascinated with Philadelphia in those moments where people just merely exist and enjoy the time that they’re in. Fun fact about this photo though this was actually taken on a night Nikon 35 mm point and shoot camera which actually was the first camera I’ve ever owned and I got it re-working again. I really hope to continuous element of using my point and shoot camera just because I think it provides less filtered and staged life. It is kind of different for me because I probably shoot digital within the city."

What We Liked: This image has us yearning for the warm, care free days of summer. The composition splits it into the light blues of sunny pool and the deep greens and blues of its shady surroundings. Together they span a spectrum of this wonderful color and the emotions that come with it. We see this reflected in the sunbathers found in the lightest sections of the frame, and readers relaxing in the darker sections. The clearly defined fence marks this pool as a place to escape from your daily routine, spending the time however you choose.

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